Our mission is to steer transformative technology towards benefiting life and away from extreme large-scale risks.

Our Main Approach

First, perform research to identify gaps in the landscape of efforts to fulfill our mission.

Second, determine what new organizations should exist to address these challenges.

Third, targeted headhunting to identify people to found the specific ideas we select.

Finally, provide various forms of support to ease the process of starting the new organization and increase the likelihood of success.

→ We aim to help start 3 to 5 new organizations per year.

Our Focus

We most concentrate on the risks posed by transformative AI, and governance mechanisms needed to ensure that AI is beneficial to humanity.

We also focus on biosecurity, nuclear technology, other risks to humanity’s existence or fulfillment of its potential, and the development of tools, institutions, and communities that support these efforts.

Full-Time Staff Members & Board

We also work closely with some consultants and service providers.